Sustainably harvested Dorset timber for better barbecuing and for a better planet
Top quality charcoal and firewood
The Dorset Charcoal Company produces top quality charcoal and firewood, sourced from 100% natural, hardwood, well-managed local woodlands. The company was first established in 1996, founded by Jim Bettle. He noticed that there has a huge amount of “waste” wood being bulldozed and burnt as it was regarded as non-profitable. This along with his discovery that over 90% of the UK’s charcoal was imported, he decided something had to change in this industry, so he started his own company.
The Dorset Charcoal Company produces first-class charcoal and fire wood, committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. Their strategy is focussed on: providing a UK based production of charcoal (as the imported charcoal’s production results in deforestation from unsustainable forestry in South American and West African Rainforests), use only sustainably harvested timber from Dorset and its neighbouring counties and actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
Their products are of the highest quality, lighting quickly, only taking 10-15 minutes to get to optimum BBQ temperature and burns well to a excellent heat for grilling, perfect for barbecuing.
They provide an extensive range of products, as well as their signature charcoal and firewood. For example, their developments in Biochar animal feed continue to innovate the charcoal industry. The Biochar ventures have proven to be beneficial in a multitude of ways, these include storing carbon from the atmosphere, healthier cattle and extensive benefits in the growth of produce when soils are fertilised with the manure.